Book NowThe Dimensional!
Think of this as a full service. This reserves 3.5 hours on my books. I do not double book. This is packaged pricing so everything is included (includes the foils, the smudge, tone, trim + style out) and Probably pictures ! :)
The Refresh!
Think Partial! We have made it to 8-10 weeks and we’re loving the Grow out but need to Add some foils in certain areas and refresh the Tone. Also includes style out and Trim if needed
Glow N Go
Think quick maintenance! your loving the grow out , Do not need foils, but want to refresh your gloss. Add shine + add richness + eliminate warmth! If you want foil work like 5-8 foils it will be a $25 bowl charge! This Service includes (Gloss,wash, trim, style)